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Tečaji teka na smučeh

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Majhni koraki pripeljejo do velikih sprememb. Enako velja pri teku na smučeh. 

Nikar ne odlašajte s tečajem teka na smučeh, s katerim boste izboljšali svoj položaj na smučeh, se pravilno spoznali z opremo in počasi začeli osvajati pravilno tehniko.

Nič ne pride čez noč, tudi pravilna tekaška tehnika ne. Z majhnimi koraki jo lahko vsekakor izboljšate, nato pa v teku na smučeh uživate, kot še nikoli prej.  

  • take some time off for yourself three times a week and have and easy couple of miles run around your area,
  • fall asleep 'cause you are tired due to some sport activity, not just from work exhaustion,
  • wake up in the morning full of energy,
  • trust your body again that it is capable more than any other time in the past, 
  • prove everyone that does not believe in your capabilities that you can do more than they think,
  • fall in love in yourself and your body again.

Let me tell you how

I am 42 years old. Nine years ago I gave birth to my two angels Pia and Nik, yet decided that my sport life has not reached its peak yet. Not only that! With their birth this wonderful sport life only began.

Are you thinking about necessary life changes just as well? Are you trying to find that life energy you used to have and keep repeating yourself that you have no time for recreation? Are you one of those that do not like group exercised in closed gyms? Do you want to feel better and change your body look without going on another diet?

If you answered all these questions with YES, become my Naturel Box Runner TODAY! Become part of World Wide group that will slowly:

  • move from walking to running,
  • move from flat running to some small hills,
  • start shaping bodies with only body weight strength exercises,
  • enjoy body shape changes without being on a diet.

Teja Kralj

Why Naturel Box Runner?

  • Naturel - because I would like everything to turn around nature.
  • Box - because I would like you to be part of our closed "box" or group getting extra offers from our website
  • Runner - because I would like everyone to become a part of this amazing running world.

Are you ready?

Of course you are! You know yourself that you are capable of running. You know exactly that all you need is to start. Believe me. It won't take long (we do HAVE to start slowly though) and you will be surprising yourself from one day to another. Trust me. You will be proud of yourself and let me know that. Because that's how happy you will be.

You want to lose weight?

We will conquer it all, but not with a diet version. How do you want to do it then Teja? My dear friend. With just few small changes that will definitely not be extreme. And what does that mean? We will fix your menu slightly with all the ingredients you already have in your kitchen. No complicating and no extra shopping. We will just take some ingredients away. Again. Not 100%, just bit by bit.

Tejaaaaaaa! I live in another country. How can I start running from zero with you, living on the other side of the world?

I receive messages from all over the world. A lot of you would like to start running but do not know how to start. A lot of you would like me to become your running partner, but there are too many of you to have private courses. That is why I decided to start with a different kind of running program. This voice running program can finally suit everyone and we can both do it from anywhere, any time and with any one. Our cooperation will be based on voice running practices that will also include live running. All you need is:

  1. Mobile Phone,
  2. Mobile Data Access,
  3. Headphones,
  4. Running belt.

As you will get your access to your running course, you will also be able to repeat your run if you will want to do it. 

Will I lose weight?

This is probably most common question in our head. I know from my own experience that I could never lose weight if I decided to do so. What we need is much less than go on a diet. What you need are small changes. My program will not help you lose weight rapidly or get you back in shape in a heartbeat while ruining your joints.  This is a yearlong or let us call it lifetime program that will now follow you everywhere you go for the next year, two, three or what I hope more - forever. 

Teja Kralj 

How does this program look like?

  1. Once you buy our package, you start receiving links to our running program. All you will need is phone and headphones.
  2. Twice a week you will receive a running training where I will first warm up with you, take you for a walking and running adventure through and at the end we will stretch together again. As we are all limited with time and different kind of wishes, I will not be your next limit. With the link you will receive you can finish your running course any time you want.
  3. Once a week you will receive 15 - 20-minute-long strength training with no equipment needed. As all the exercises will again be recorded, you will be able to do them any time you want and repeat them as often as you want. All you will need is a yoga mat. Exercises are again made for everyone, no matter what your capabilities are at the moment. We will adjust these exercises for everyone and you will always have a challenge to get better and better and finally follow me at all times. At the beginning you do only as much as you can, later on you will add additional repeats.
  4. At least once a month we will have live chats as well as live running course. These are my favourite ones.
  5. My dream is to at least once a year make Naturel Box Runner Camp, where we could make a week long live trainings and get to meet each other.  

When do I start with my course?

You will start your course immediately once you buy it.

Will I really receive discounts on your webiste as a Naturel Box Runner?

Of course! As a Naturel Box Runner, you will receive extra:

  • 20 % discount for all food supplements when purchasing 100 EUR or more,
  • 15 % discount for all food supplements when purchasing 70 EUR or more,
  • 10 % discount for all food supplements when purchasing 50 EUR or more.

Not only that. As a Naturel Box Runner you will receive extra 20% discount on our partner webiste

We are not done yet. As our member, you will get extra discounts on purchasing our Fischer and One Way sport equipment. Additionally, you will be able to start cross country skiing with me. As easy as said. So much more to add on to your life, if only you become our member.

This membership or course is for you if:

  • You don't feel good anymore in your own skin and need a change.
  • You think you will never again be able to run a mile, two or even 6 miles in one shot.
  • You don't know how to motivate yourself for your individual training.
  • You don't have enough time for other trainings as kids and work are waiting for you at home.
  • You are not self conscious enough to get back to sport and don't want anyone to see how far down on the bottom you are as far as physical condition is concerned.
  • You see other people running and want to be one of them again but do not know where to start. 
  • You see a lot of advantages already when you think of becoming our member.


Monthly membership (8 running courses + 4 strenght courses): 44 EUR
Half-year membership: 237,60 EUR (10% discount)
Yearly membership (recommended): 454,08 EUR (14% discount)

You know that we are always full of excuses. This time there is no time for any more excuses. It's only time for a CHANGE! Make one TODAY

You have additional questions? E-mail me on

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